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Best Pattern Making Books (That I Use And Love)

If you get excited at the idea of learning pattern making, developing your own sewing patterns or even just learning how to adjust patterns that you’ve already bought, these pattern making books will help!

I have – or have owned – each book listed here. These are what I consider to be the best pattern making books to help you develop your skills.

If you prefer a video, I’ve recently published a video on my YouTube channel on my 5 best pattern making books if you prefer to watch on YouTube.

Eve holding a selection of five of the best pattern making books against her face

Note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase at no further cost to you.

Pattern Making Books

The books here really are the best pattern making books, suitable for absolute beginners to pattern making or more advanced sewers wanting to experiment more with advanced pattern making techniques!

Designing Patterns

This was the very first pattern making book I owned. It was recommended to me by my pattern cutting tutor at Kensington & Chelsea College, and I loved it. It is now really hard to get hold of a copy – I’m hoping my copy is still in storage!

Metric Pattern Cutting

This is a newer version of my second pattern making book – Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear. I loved the original, despite the printing errors, and self drafted my very first coat using this pattern making book. Note – it really isn’t for the novice! 

Pattern Cutting

A pattern making book that explains and demystifies much about the process of pattern making. Not the best book for pattern making beginners, but definitely one to build up to!

Patternmaking With Stretch Knit Fabrics

Full disclosure. I don’t technically own this book! I do have a large portion of it photocopied from the library at my fashion school. And whenever I have had to pattern cut for knit fabrics, I have referred to it. Another one that isn’t for the beginner!

Patternmaking For Menswear

If menswear is on you list, this pattern making book should be your starting point. I haven’t yet created a pattern from this, so cannot say how accurate it is, but when it comes out of storage, it will be put through its paces!

Patternmaking For Menswear

This is the second menswear pattern making book I own – and was in fact a gift. Written by a different author to the previous book – it’ll be interesting to compare them and test the differences!

Fashion Patternmaking Techniques Vol.1

This series of patternmaking books is essential for anyone wanting to further their pattern making skills. Covering men and women’s skirts, trousers and shirts, this book is the first in a series covering patternmaking techniques for fashion.

Fashion Patternmaking Techniques Vol.2

Vol.2 in the Fashion pattern making techniques series covers more garment types for women and men. You’ll want to have a basic understanding of pattern making to really enjoy this pattern making book!

Fashion Patternmaking Techniques Vol.3

The third volume in this series focuses on jackets, coat and cloaks for both women and men. I love this series of pattern making books, and feel these recent additions to my bookshelf have encouraged me to be more creative with my pattern making!

Pattern Making For Fashion Design

This is my bible. At least, the paperback version of the 4th edition is! I bought this when I started my fashion degree and took it everywhere. Trains, planes, coffee shops. It taught me how to visualise a design in my head into an actual pattern. A must have for all!

Fashion Patternmaking Techniques Vol.1 Haute Couture

This book is for the person who can already make patterns, but wants to be inspired by the more extravagant haute couture designs. If you struggle to ‘see’ how couture patterns constructed this would help!

Draping Books

Draping is one of my passions. To drape something on my stand is what I do to relax. There are only four draping books that I own or have owned, and they’re listed below.

Draping is not necessarily ‘more creative’ than flat pattern cutting. It’s just a completely different approach to creating patterns and blocks.

If you are serious about building up your pattern making books and skills, a draping book is an essential addition!

Draping: The Complete Course

This is a ‘complete course’ on draping in book form. This is one of those books I purchased later on after already experiencing other books, but it is definitely worth a look!

Draping For Apparel Design

Draping For apparel Design

This was my draping bible throughout fashion school, much like the pattern making for fashion design book by the same author. If I were to recommend buying just one draping book, it would be this one!

Draping: Art And Craftmanship In Fashion Design

This book was published in 2014 and I pre-ordered it right away. Not really for the beginner draper, as some of the designs are quite advanced. For me, a must have!

The Art Of Fashion Draping

Another great draping book, this one from Connie Amaden-Crawford. This is much like Draping For Apparel Design – the difference is the small details of each author’s practice.

I also have another book guides that you may be interested in – sewing books with patterns contains a selection of sewing books for women and men that include patterns to trace off and I also have a great selection of fashion design books if that’s of interest to you too!

My 5 Best Pattern Making Books (Video)

As promised, I also created a video where I dig into a little more detail on why I LOVE these particular books and consider them to be the best pattern making books that I have!

Share it out to others!


Wednesday 5th of July 2023

Thank you so much for all your free and inspirational information, I wish I had the years to accumulate this much useful knowledge, unfortunately I left it very late to start being interested in making my own clothes, so I have a lot of catching up to do. Luckily, I'm really looking forward to it, I'm as excited as a small child. Thank you again. Lin

Eve Tokens

Monday 10th of July 2023

Hi Lin! So glad to hear that you're excited - pattern making it the best fun for me, so I do love to hear when others get the bug too! Let me know if you have any questions, I'm just an email away! :)

Sonal kale

Saturday 2nd of October 2021

Very nice amazing knowledge

Niki Muller

Tuesday 25th of May 2021

I would like a novice book on basic pattern making

Neha lata singh

Tuesday 23rd of March 2021

Amazing knowledge

nkosana gwegwana

Sunday 7th of February 2021

Thank you so very much,I'm studying sewing and in the near future will be going for pattern making.i wanna start a business on fashion designing.